MHNRN | Apple Podcasts | Spreaker | Episode #16

Dr Mary speaks with former professional basketball player, now Athletepreneur, Neshard Walker. Find out how as a former professional athlete with Cerebral Palsy, he is now giving back to his community demonstrating resilience and tenacity.

Join Dr. Mary and guest, Nishard Walker who has shown resilience and perseverance, through his battle with Cerebral Palsy.

[00:00:00] Dr. Mary:
Welcome to the Dr. Mary podcast. I’m your host, Dr. Mary. I’m a pediatrician, wife, mother, and empowerment advocate. On this podcast, we discuss topics around mental and physical health, ADHD, autism, and so much more. And just like I tell my patients, I’ll tell you like it is—with a lot of love. Welcome to the show!

[00:00:30] Dr. Mary:
Hi listeners! I’m thrilled to have a very special guest today—Nishard Walker. Nishard is a former professional basketball player who has played overseas as well as in the NBA. I’m excited to have him here. Hi, Nishard!

[00:00:45] Nishard Walker:
Hey, Dr. Mary, I’m doing great! Thanks for having me on the show.

[00:00:50] Dr. Mary:
Thank you so much for joining us. I gave a quick intro, but why don’t you tell our audience more about yourself?

[00:01:00] Nishard Walker:
Yeah, for sure. I’m Nishard Walker, a former professional athlete. I played basketball for 10 years, and my career ended after the 2019-2020 season. Right now, I’m a mental health performance coach.

[00:01:15] Dr. Mary:
That’s amazing! So tell us, what does a mental health performance coach do?

[00:01:25] Nishard Walker:
I work with athletes, students, and everyday people, helping them unlock their potential by addressing the mental health challenges they face. Whether it’s overcoming mental blocks, anxiety, or developing a better mindset, I support them in getting to the next level.

[00:01:45] Dr. Mary:
That sounds so needed, especially today. Can you tell us how you got into this line of work?

[00:01:55] Nishard Walker:
Sure. So I was born with cerebral palsy. My umbilical cord was wrapped around my neck, cutting off oxygen to my brain, which led to an emergency C-section. That affected the mobility on the right side of my body. Growing up, I had to go through a lot of physical therapy, weight training, and develop serious mental toughness to walk, talk, and eventually play sports.

[00:02:25] Nishard Walker:
It was a tough journey, but I didn’t let it stop me. I worked hard to become a professional athlete, and now, I teach others—both kids and adults—that same level of mental toughness and resilience.

[00:02:45] Dr. Mary:
Wow, that is truly an incredible story. How does a baby with cerebral palsy go on to become a professional basketball player?

[00:02:55] Nishard Walker:
It was all about mental toughness and patience. My mom was a big support, always telling me things would be okay, and to keep pushing. Progress was slow, but it was still progress. Over time, those small wins added up.

[00:03:15] Dr. Mary:
Mental toughness is huge, especially at such a young age. How did you develop that strength to keep pushing?

[00:03:25] Nishard Walker:
I was always an observant kid, so I picked up on a lot of emotions and cues around me. I saw other kids in therapy who looked like they wanted to give up, and I knew I didn’t want to be like that. That “never give up” attitude stuck with me.

[00:03:45] Dr. Mary:
And it served you well in your basketball career. So, after finishing basketball, how did you transition into what you’re doing now?

[00:04:00] Nishard Walker:
Yeah, after my career ended with the 2019-2020 season, COVID hit. I started sending out resumes, eventually connecting with a community center in Virginia. I worked there during the summer camp, and my connection with the kids was different. I realized this was my calling, helping people through mental health and performance coaching.

[00:04:25] Dr. Mary:
That’s beautiful. So tell me, what does a typical day look like for you now?

[00:04:35] Nishard Walker:
It varies based on the person’s needs. I work with kids, some of whom have disabilities, and older clients too. I help them develop confidence, work through their emotions, and stay disciplined. It’s about giving them tools to navigate challenges in life.

[00:04:55] Dr. Mary:
That’s amazing. And do you feel like your own experiences help you relate to people, especially those with disabilities or challenges like ADHD or autism?

[00:05:10] Nishard Walker:
Absolutely. I understand what it’s like to deal with a condition growing up, so I can connect with kids on a deeper level. I coach kids with ADHD, autism, and physical disabilities, and I treat them like any other kid. It’s about giving them confidence and making them feel included.

[00:05:30] Dr. Mary:
That’s wonderful. You’re making such an impact. What advice would you give to a parent or child struggling with a limitation?

[00:05:45] Nishard Walker:
I’d say, “It’s going to be okay.” We often make life more complicated than it is. You have to take things one day at a time and understand that you’re not alone. There’s always someone going through something similar. And why not be the one to change things? You can be that example.

[00:06:10] Dr. Mary:
Such powerful words, Nishard. It’s incredible how you’ve used your journey to help so many others. Where can people connect with you?

[00:06:25] Nishard Walker:
You can find me on Instagram at @nwalk8, and on Facebook as Nishard Walker. I’d love to connect with anyone who wants to learn more or needs support.

[00:06:35] Dr. Mary:
We’ll be sure to link your info in the show notes. Nishard, thank you so much for sharing your inspiring story with us today.

[00:06:45] Nishard Walker:
Thank you for having me, Dr. Mary!

[00:06:50] Dr. Mary:
And listeners, don’t forget to leave a five-star review on your favorite podcast app. Thanks for listening to The Dr. Mary Podcast! See you next time.

Neshard Walker is a former professional basketball player, now Pro Athletepreneur played professionally for 7 years and over 15 years of experience in the Sports world. NBADL, Internationally. His a Board Member For Equal Learning, Sports Mental Health Performance Coach, CP Advocate.

Where to Listen: Available on all major podcasting platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts.

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As a devoted pediatrician, specializing in neurodevelopmental disorders, my focus is on guiding and supporting families who have received an autism or ADHD diagnosis.

I am a PCCI trained life and leadership coach.

– Dr Mary