Embrace the difficult conversations around mental health.

As someone touched by autism, navigating social environments can sometimes be challenging, not just for the individual directly affected but also for their families.

The changing societal attitude towards mental health has touched not only my life but also those of my family. I am happy to note that conversations around mental health are becoming more and more common.

Noticing how society has gradually shifted towards more open discussions about mental health conditions such as autism and ADHD has been a crucial shift because it, moving us away from uncomfortable silences or judgement when these topics were mentioned in public. 

One particular point that I want to highlight is how common mental health conversations have become in everyday places – even hair salons. This normalization allows for a more supportive environment for everyone, including those of us affected by autism.

It reassures us that our experiences are not isolated and that the community around us is becoming more understanding and supportive.

Why I started my podcast…

I founded my podcast, The Dr. Mary Podcast, to be not just a source of information but a beacon of encouragement, showing us the importance of open dialogue and the role it plays in reducing stigmas.

Speaking with my guests, I have learned that every conversation teaches us to be brave in our daily lives. These small shifts and discussions, add up and contribute to a broader societal change.

Everyday conversations and small changes –

This is just a reminder of the power of speaking up and sharing our stories, even in small, everyday settings.

I want to encourage you to participate in these conversations in order to foster an environment where EVERYONE, regardless of their mental health status, feels recognized and supported.

With love, Dr Mary Jones

Start mental health conversations, gain encouragement, and find autism resources.

Check out The Dr Mary Podcast!


Dr Mary Coaches those families who have received a diagnosis of Autism and ADHD.Looking for more resources?!

Check out my podcast, The Dr Mary Podcast, to find encouragement, support, and resources for you or your loved one.

And if you want one-on-one assistance, schedule a free coaching consultation.