What is NLP (neurolinguistic programming)? 

First, it’s a game-changer.

For those individuals dealing with autism, marriage can pose unique challenges. NLP leverages the unconscious mind to create rapid, positive changes in behavior and outcomes. This can transform what could be a difficult situation into a healthy and thriving marriage.

First developed in the 1970s by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, NLP combines elements from various practices like hypnotherapy and family therapy.

The core belief is that using the unconscious mind can quickly change behaviors and help achieve desired results. Many have found this approach to be transformative –  helping them overcome anxiety, improve relationships, and achieve personal growth.

What does this mean for marriages and those with autism?

NLP can significantly enhance marriages by addressing deep-seated issues and reducing triggers that cause conflicts.

Couples who undergo this training often find that they can resolve long-standing issues such as financial anxiety and communication problems. By releasing these triggers, partners can achieve a deeper connection and a more harmonious relationship. NLP helps couples understand what it truly means to become “one” in marriage.

NLP is particularly beneficial for neurodiverse individuals (spouses or adult children who suffered through divorce because of NT parents), including those with autism or ADHD.

By working with the unconscious mind, NLP helps change responses to challenges and fosters a positive self-identity. Because this approach emphasizes the use of positive language, those with neurodiverse spouses can be enabled to navigate life with confidence and resilience.

It can also help parents address their children’s fears and insecurities more effectively. Instead of offering simple reassurance, parents can use NLP techniques to help their children develop a positive self-belief system, lessening the probability of divorce and allowing children to grow up with a healthy mindset, ready to face the world – and a marriage – with confidence.

The Process

Designed to be quick and effective (different from traditional therapy), the initial breakthrough sessions are intensive but drastically reduce the need for ongoing weekly therapy. This accelerated process is ideal for addressing deep-rooted issues and releasing triggers that impact daily life, positively impacting the marriage.

Healthier individuals and healthier marriages can be found through this training. 

Especially for those dealing with autism, marriage challenges, and/or neurodiversity, by focusing on the unconscious mind and addressing deep-seated issues, NLP helps individuals live more fulfilling lives, saving marriages.

Autism and ADHD can pose unique challenges for spouses and children, but families can thrive despite the diagnosis. Adult children of divorce can find healing and help through the benefits of NLP.

If your marriage is suffering because you or your spouse has been diagnosed with autism and/or ADHD, schedule a free consultation. It is my mission to help marriages thrive and NT spouses in ND marriages find support to have a great marriage.

With love, Dr Mary

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Dr Mary Coaches those families who have received a diagnosis of Autism and ADHD.Looking for more resources?!

Check out my podcast, The Dr Mary Podcast, to find encouragement, support, and resources for you or your loved one.

And if you want one-on-one assistance, schedule a free coaching consultation.